Analyze more business deals with limited resources faster.

AI-powered business deal evaluation tool for decision-makers

Calculate how much time you would save with Dealita

Streamlining deal analysis from hours

to minutes

How it works?

Upload pitch deck, add company

Set evaluation’s criteria

AI analyses deal and  creates due diligence report 

Missing information obtained via automated communication

Finished due diligence report 


Determining the potential of a business idea requires a substantial investment of time and resources. Early-stage investors often find themselves dedicating up to 20 hours per week to address the pivotal question: "Does this business idea have the potential to succeed?”

Who we are:

Dealita is an AI-powered business deal evaluation tool designed to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and inclusiveness for decision-makers, addressing the significant time and resource investment often required by earlystage investors to assess the potential success of a business idea.


Dealita leverages our AI algorithm, offering tailored functionality for comprehensive deal analysis, starting from initial pitch deck screening to planned more detailed analysis (due diligence) and automated email communication.

Streamline your investment processes and save hours with automatic deal evaluation tool!

Empowering decision-makers, Dealita revolutionizes deal analysis with specialized expertise in startup validation.
Why should you deal with that if you can leave it to...

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Our Vision, as idea market gets extremely crowded and expensive to navigate, in 3 years Dealita will be the best way to evaluate and find deals, leading decision makers towards investment success.